Here's How It Works
You can receive 2 volunteer hours for telling us what you think of a book you read from Winter Park Public Library's teen book or e-book collection.
The book you choose to review must meet certain criteria:
- You must be a member of the Winter Park Library Teen Book Guild
- Be sure to check the Teen Book Guild blog first before deciding on which book to read and review. If someone has already written a review for that book, please choose another.
- The book you choose must be available in our teen book or e-book collection. To verify, check your title online for the collection code "2nd Floor - Young Adult Dept." If you are reading from our e-book collection, make sure one of its subject headings is "Young Adult Fiction" or "Young Adult Nonfiction".
- The review you write must be in your own words. Reviews copied from another source will not be accepted.
- Your submitted review will be evaluated using the scoring rubric below. The librarian will read your review and post it online if it receives an average rubric score of 3 or higher. If you see your review online, this means that you earned your volunteer hours. Please allow a maximum of 14 days turnaround time.
Scoring Rubric
Score of 4 = First paragraph has a "grabber" or catchy beginning.
Score of 3 = First paragraph has a weak "grabber".
Score of 2 = A catchy beginning was attempted but was confusing rather than catchy.
Score of 1 = No attempt was made to catch the reader's attention in the first paragraph.
Score of 4 = The basic summary of the book was given in a creative manner without giving away the ending.
Score of 3 = The basic summary of the book was presented without giving away the ending
Score of 2 = The basic summary was given as a list of events that includes no transitions
Score of 1 = The summary included events that went beyond the basic plot of the book. Sentences are short, choppy and have no transitions. Spoilers were given.
Score of 4 = There is a paragraph stating your opinion on one or more of these points: character, setting, plot, conflict or author's style. Your opinion is supported with examples from the book.
Score of 3 = There is a paragraph stating your opinion, but it is not supported by examples from the book.
Score of 2 = There is a paragraph talking about the literary items, but no opinion is offered.
Score of 1 = There is no evaluation.
Score of 4 = There is a paragraph stating why you would or would not recommend this book based on one or more of these ideas: author's style, theme, moral or lesson of the book, personal connections you made with the book. Suggestions for similar titles is also a plus.
Score of 3 = There is a recommendation of the book based on one of the ideas, but it is not well supported.
Score of 2 = There is a recommendation, but it is unclear what it is based on.
Score of 1 = here is no recommendation